New Barnett Clutches & Cables Fitment Guide 2020/21 Now Available

View Barnett Clutches & Cables 2020/21 Catalogue
At Barnett everything’s made in the USA with top-quality materials and designs. Multiple quality checks throughout the build process guarantee when a customer installs a Barnett clutch or cable, they know they are getting a no-compromise upgrade. In addition, Barnett specializes in custom cables. From custom length cables to specialized “one-off” cables, Barnett is the leader industry leader in custom cables made to order. Barnett is dedicated to continue to produce top quality motorcycle components with the best possible product.
Here at PDQ we stock, and specially order in, a wide range of Barnett Clutches & Cables for a large number of Motorcycles which can be found within the Clutches Category on the website or for more information give our Sales Team a call on 01753 730043